Tibetan Tsa Lung Meditation

Many of my clients find that the Tibetan Tsa Lung movements are very beneficial in quieting the mind and cultivating a feeling of well being. Tsa means channels, or you could say meridians as found in Chinese medicine, and Lung means wind or prana or qi. The goal of Tsa Lung is to open up any blockages in the subtle energetic body made up of channels and chakras so that the winds or qi can flow naturally throughout the body. This results in improved physical health, a calm mind, and healing of emotional imbalances. Traditionally this has been a very secret practice in the Tibetan traditions, but we are fortunate that now it can be openly shared.

Below you will find a short video that explains the benefits of Tsa Lung in more detail, followed by a guided meditation using the five external Tsa Lung movements. These videos are available with subtitles in several languages and there are Spanish language versions as well.

If you find these useful you may also be interested in my videos on the 9 Breaths of Purification. Many times Tsa Lung and the 9 Breaths are practiced in tandem to enter even more subtle states of being.

At the bottom of the page is a PDF file that provides detailed instructions for the practice. To learn even more about these practices contact John for private instruction or read the book Awakening the Sacred Body by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.